Your generous gifts, tithes and offerings are what turn Godly direction into effective ministries both here and throughout the world where Christ has sent us. There are many ways to support the ministry of St. Michael’s Lutheran Church. Online donation is safe and easy. Thank you for giving and serving together!
Click here to fill out the 2024-2025 Dedication of Generosity pledge form online. Or, you can 2024 SMLC Pledge Form version to print and drop off at SMLC.

Offering Plate
Donate Online
It’s easy to give online through our Church Center app! You can also use your pc: Click here to donate through Church Center. You can use your checking account (ACH), credit or debit card, and you can even set up recurring gifts to go to different funds. For help in getting set up, contact the church office at 952-831-5276. You can also watch this tutorial video.
Click here to access our previous online giving program through Vanco (ACH checking withdrawal only after March 15, 2023.)

Donate Stock
Our brokerage account has recently changed. Donate stock by contacting Tom Solberg: (952) 230-2022 or

Mail a Check

Text to Give
You can make a contribution to St. Michael’s with a quick text message from your cell phone. Start by texting a dollar amount ($50, etc.) to 84321. You will receive a one-time setup link. Tapping this link will take you to your mobile browser, and just follow the steps. Once you are set up, you can simply text your donation to 84321 each time you want to give. By default, Text2Give donations will go to St. Michael’s general fund unless you specify another fund by appending the name after the donation amount. For example, $100 mortgage, $50 missions, etc.
Any questions, feel free to contact Tom Solberg, Finance Coordinator, at
St. Michael’s Lutheran Church is a 501c3 organization. Your donations means you have not received any goods or services other than intangible religious benefits. Thank you for your support of the ministries at St. Michael’s. If you have questions please call Tom Solberg at the church office: 952-831-5276. Thank you for being a ministry supporter!