Get Involved

Prayer and Care

Loving and caring for one another as Jesus did.

Worship and Arts

We creatively use the arts to worship God in every area of our church life together, our homes and in our communities.


We encourage and support children (infant to 5th grade) and their families in becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus.


We aim to help 6th – 12th graders and parents build a strong spiritual foundation and become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


St. Michael’s has a wide range of groups and activities for adults of all ages and life stages.

Gideon- Comfort Dog

Local and Global Missions

We support missionaries and missions globally serving on short-term trips and locally serving with our communities.

Saint Michael's Preschool

St. Michael’s Lutheran Preschool is a Christian education facility. At our preschool young children participate in experiences away from home before entering the elementary school.