
The mission of the Adult ministry at St. Michael’s is to help people grow and be transformed in their faith in Jesus Christ, to equip them for service through His Word and the Holy Spirit so that we have unity in the Body of Christ, to become a witness to those around us.

There are various studies and groups geared for adults, which you can find below. We also seek to promote interconnection between generations through our childrens, youth, care, and mission ministries. A great way to grow in your faith is to serve and share it with others!

…to prepare God’s people for God’s works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. -Ephesians 4:12-14

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

“Lord, Teach Us to Pray” is a series of casual, evening gatherings open to all adults of St. Michael’s. We’ll meet on the second Monday of the month (every other month) to have a brief worship or devotional time and to pray for our families, neighbors, St. Michael’s congregation, and our community. No prayer experience required! Whether you are uncomfortable or a confident pray-er, this is for you. You will not be required to pray out loud if you do not want to. Join us to draw closer to God and to learn how to pray. Next date: TBD

Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study

6:30-8:00 am – Men are welcome to join anytime during the year. The group studies a book of the Bible. Meets in Room 32 downstairs, with Zoom option. Men can leave earlier if needed for work. For in-person, you are welcome to bring your own breakfast. Led by Tom Dixon. (For Zoom info contact Tom or Pastor Ryan.) No registration needed and join anytime!

Thursday Mornings – Life Light Bible Study

This Bible study starts a new series/book each September and January. This study is part of the Life Light Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of Life Light is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Meets Thursdays from 9:30 to 11 am in the Large Print room downstairs. Led by Kathy Wilson. Starting a new study on 1st and 2nd Chronicles on February 6, 2025. Contact the church office or Kathy Wilson to sign up.

Tuesday Night Women’s Study

Currently paused for Lenten Bible studies.

New Member Class (3 sessions)

Interested in joining St. Michael’s as a member? Have questions about what the church believes? Join a new member class! These are typically offered twice a year. Led by Pastor Ryan, Pastor Pat, and Discipleship Director Michelle Totten. This is a great opportunity to talk about how you can get connected at St. Michael’s and meet new friends. Next class: Wednesday nights, May 7, 14, and 21 downstairs. To sign up, contact the church office –

Sunday mornings – Adult Bible Studies and Classes

Join the pastors for a Sunday Bible Study to dig deeper into that day’s sermon, a book of the Bible, or a current topic. You can join this class as your schedule allows. Meets in Room 32 downstairs. Everyone welcome! (Does not meet on Easter or other select Sundays, so please check our event calendar.) First Corinthians study meets at 8:30 am and continues throughout the spring.

Saturday Morning Bible Study – Men and Women

8:30 – 9:30, each Saturday, some meeting in-person at church and some on Zoom. All are welcome. This group loves to study the Bible book by book and enjoys good discussion, using Bible commentaries to help answer questions. Contact Ruth Meier or the church office for more info.

Pure Desire

Meets Saturdays 9-11 am at church. Contact Pastor Ryan Alvey for details –

Contact Pastor Ryan Alvey for more information on any of the above studies OR if you would like to join a small group or start a small group.

Generation X Events Group

Looking for fellowship with others in their 40s and 50s? The Generation X Events Group at St. Michael’s has monthly themed cooking nights and all are invited to bring a dish to share. To get on the email list, contact Pastor Ryan:

Senior Saints

Adult Saints of all ages, join us for fun trips, potlucks, speakers, plays, musical events, social activities, and more. Meet other St. Michael’s members and church friends. Information on upcoming events will be featured in our weekly e-newsletter as well as in announcements in services.

Each Wednesday, many seniors gather for the 11:30 hymn service, followed by a lunch at 12:30, funded by free-will donations. All are welcome! For more information, contact the office at 952-831-5276.


Contact info: Pastor Ryan Alvey


Connect Women

Connect Women is about creating opportunities for women to support, encourage and serve in Christ. Connect Women has events throughout the year to cultivate new connections, new friendships or support and equip long-time friends in their faith. Various events consist of Small Group Bible Studies, Women’s Breakfast, Women’s Retreat and other topical events to grow in faith and serve others. Email with questions.

Upcoming 2025 Events (find out more on Church Center or in The Weekly newsletter):

  • Half-day Retreat at the Farm – Saturday, September 27, 2025
  • Women’s Breakfast – Saturday, November 15, 2025

Stitchers and Quilters

Mission Quilters

God loves and comforts us daily in our troubles. Knowing this comfort, the Mission Quilters make and donate quilts to those who are in need of comfort in our community.  Quilts have been donated to Helping Hands, Center for the Victims of Torture, Ronald McDonald House, Comfort Ministry. For more information, please contact Lisa Jones.

Mission Stitchers

We use the gifts God has given us to embroider, knit, loom knit, crochet and sew. Our finished items are then donated as an outreach to the community where there is a need. For more info or to join the group, contact Ardis Schindeldecker or Sue Thiel.